Albury / Wodonga Alcoholics Anonymous

Help if you want to stop drinking.

If you are looking for help with a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous is available in and near Albury / Wodonga.

 0411 960 692 or 1300 222 222

Weekly AA Meetings around Albury / Wodonga

Sunday 10:30am AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Glenecho Neighbourhood Centre

    949 Burrows Rd, Glenroy NSW

    Off-street parking available at side of building. Enter meeting room from car park.

    Directions to the meeting

Sunday Noon AEDT

Monday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    St Stephens Uniting Church Wodonga

    177 Beechworth Rd, Wodonga VIC

    Cnr Beechworth Rd & Nilmar Ave

    Directions to the meeting

Monday 8:00pm AEDT

Tuesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Mirambeena Community Centre

    19 Martha Mews, Lavington NSW

    Enter via the side door. Meeting is in MR2.

    Martha Mews is opposite the North Albury/Lavington Pool and runs off Moore Street.

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 12:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 12th February 12:30pm
    Wodonga Wednesday Group
  • Attend in person
    St Stephens Uniting Church Wodonga

    177 Beechworth Rd, Wodonga VIC

    Cnr Beechworth Rd & Nilmar Ave

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    St Patrick's Church Hall Albury

    521 Smollett St, Albury NSW

    Enter car park via driveway at side of hall opposite Volt Lane.

    Parking available at the rear of the hall and entry to the meeting is through the kitchen door at the back of the hall.

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Mirambeena Community Centre

    19 Martha Mews, Lavington NSW

    Enter via the side door. Meeting is in MR2.

    Martha Mews is opposite the North Albury/Lavington Pool and runs off Moore Street.

    Directions to the meeting

Thursday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    St Patrick's Church Hall Albury

    521 Smollett St, Albury NSW

    Enter car park via driveway at side of hall opposite Volt Lane.

    Parking available at the rear of the hall and entry to the meeting is through the kitchen door at the back of the hall.

    Directions to the meeting

Thursday 7:30pm AEDT

Friday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    St Patrick's Church Hall Albury

    521 Smollett St, Albury NSW

    Enter car park via driveway at side of hall opposite Volt Lane.

    Parking available at the rear of the hall and entry to the meeting is through the kitchen door at the back of the hall.

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday 3:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 8th February 3:00pm
    • ID format
    ID meeting

    Doug 0439109982
    Corowa Saturday Daytime Group

Saturday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 8th February 7:00pm
    • Open
    • Wheelchair Access
    • Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
    Tallangatta Saturday Group